decision-making Archives | Margo Tirado
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When your Voice says “NO”!

When your Voice says “NO”!

We all have at least a little bit of a people-pleaser within us. I am not sure that people-pleasing is altogether a bad thing. Aren’t we supposed to consider others in our decision-making process? For example, I know it gives me great joy...Read More

Shrewd as a  Serpent, Innocent as a Dove

Shrewd as a Serpent, Innocent as a Dove

“Be Shrewd as a Serpent, yet Innocent as a Dove” All women absorb messages during their lifetimes, and these messages have a profound influence on a woman’s voice.  Women—especially women of faith—receive numerous messages  about how they...Read More

A Meaningful Ruckus!

A Meaningful Ruckus!

“Ruckus”…the act of making a disturbance!   Do you try to avoid creating a Ruckus?  Do you feel uncomfortable when you invite tension in the room? Would you rather spend your energy establishing harmony? I get that, sure.  But...Read More